About Cuddly Bear Day Care - A Professional Childcare Facility
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Alva Chang

My background gives me the support to bring about my philosophy of childcare including:


     CDA - Child Development Associate


     Licensed by the State of Maine


    Maine Roads to Quality Registry Certified Childcare Professional -    Level 5


    Member Maine Family Child Care Association   


    Over 200 hours of education and training in Early 

   Childhood Education.


   Certified American Red Cross in First Aid - Adult/Infant/Child CPR


   Thirteen years experience in family childcare


   Parent to three teenaged children

Alva's Story
I have been involved in childcare for more than 14 years. As the mother of three teenaged children, twin boys, Raymond and Randy at 19, and a girl , Krystal-Lee at 16,  I am very involved in their school and social lives. I was a Cub Scout leader and then became a Cub Master.  I have operated a home day care for 13 years and was a foster parent for 3 years.  Among the children placed in my foster care were drug babies and children up to age 7. Our home stays warm with caring and love.  Your child will learn to interact with other children of many ages.  Some of the things we enjoy doing are arts and crafts, indoor and out door picnics, parties just for fun, going to the parks or playgrounds, learning colors and to count with cookies especially!!!  Making snow angels and snowmen in winter and mud pies in summer is always fun. We also enjoy our quite time reading stories, singing songs, discovering new and exciting toys, and maybe even watching PBS.

Hope MacFarland

Here at Cuddly Bear there are two of us that work with the children on a daily basis.  Hope MacFarland is here with the education and experience to operate the business and care for the children.  She is a CDA (Child Development Associate).  She is also registered with Maine Roads to Quality as a Certified Child Care Professional with a Level 3 rating.  She has a bachelors degree in Business Management and Computer Information Systems and and is a certified substitute teacher.  Hope has been assisting me for the past 4 years.