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A Professional Childcare Facility


Welcome to Cuddly Bear Child Care Center.  Our vision is to provide each child with a safe, happy, home-style environment in which they can thrive while following an emergent curriculum.  This means that the children come first, not the schedule.

Thank you for visiting our site. 

Together we will...


Treat each other and your child with mutual respect.


Communicate regularly about your child's nutrition, new skills, joys or concerns, general health.


Show your child we work as a team in his/her best interests.


Be open and honest in our communication and work together.

We would love to hear from you!! Please sign our guestbook!

Let us know if you have any questions or comments.  We will respond to you via email as quickly as we can.

We have a corkboard available that you can post on for any activities, announcements etc that you may want all to know.  It is located on our Contact Page.

Search the Internet from here if you like!


Hours of Operation and Holidays

Cuddly Bear Child Care will operate Monday through Friday from 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.  The following holidays will be observed: (Exact dates to be provided upon enrollment.)

      New Year's Day

      Memorial Day

      Independence Day

      Labor Day

      Columbus Day

      Thanksgiving Day and the day after

      Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day


Our Nondiscrimination Statement

Cuddly Bear Child Care admits children of any racial, national, religious, ethnic origin, or ability level from all backgrounds, belief systems, family dynamics, and orientations.  In short, we recognize and invite the participation of all people, not discriminating on any basis in the administration of our programs.

Our Philosophy on Childcare

At Cuddly Bear Child Care, it is our belief that:

The children should be in a home-like setting in their early years where they feel safe and happy.

Learning should happen as a result of fun, developmental activities.

Children should learn how to relate to others with respect and honesty.

Time should be allowed for children to play in groups and individually.

Parents and providers should work together as a team to provide a positive experience for the children


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